Storytime with Revel Romp Drawing of the Website's Mascot: Revel Romp

List of All Stories

Story Title and Source Links Chapters with MP3s Brief Summary
Fallout Equestria: New Pegas
by Calbeck
Mature Content Warning: Explicit Violence, Swearing.
An Earth Pony bounty hunter under the moniker 'Hired Gun' goes through the events of Fallout: New Vegas. Around the midpoint, we get some more Fallout: Equestria specific antics going on. And copious amounts of balloons and balloon-like things swelling and exploding.
Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes
by Mimezinga
Mature Content Warning: Explicit Violence, Swearing.
An little filly sleeps through the end of the world. Waking up stuck with a chatty AI attached to her, she goes on an epic quest to find mom! And maybe cookies too! A Fallout Equestria side-story. The funniest and most light-hearted of Fallout Equestria stories I've seen, but it's still plenty dark and gruesome at times.
I drew fanart for this story
Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons
by Somber
Mature Content Warning: Explicit Violence, Explicit Sexual Content, Swearing. Not recommended for young readers or readers of weak constituition.
Blackjack was a security mare from Stable 99. And then everything that could possibly go wrong goes wrong, sending her on a grand adventure making many friends in the Hoofington region of the Equestrian Wasteland.Also Available on Youtube!

I drew fanart for this story
The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments
by Wanderer D
Mature Content Warning: Explicit Violence (Depends on Chapter), Swearing.
After a dangerous close-encounter with werewolves and the dangers of misunderstood magic, young Sweetie Belle begins apprentencing under the bearer of the Element of Magic herself: Twilight Sparkle. Not long after, another mistake tosses Sweetie Belle into a gauntlet of Alternate Universes where she learns more about herself than she ever dreamed. Serves as a crossover with several other fanfics, and offers a magically-skilled interpretation of Sweetie Belle who's fun to read. If you're fond of 'Fish Out of Water' or 'Older Than They Look' tropes, you'll probably love this.
I drew fanart for this story